Monday, September 3, 2007

Tia and I made friends at Vassar's Sunset Lake Yesterday

Today, Tia and I went walking around the lake, finding frogs and naming them. Billy bob, Fred, Ed, Mostly Martha, Pierre, etc., etc. After about half an hour of this, we decided to sit and rest at the bench under the willow tree at the far end of the lake next to the small waterfall. We had been tickling some of the larger frogs with this long piece of grass we had found... (not the baby's, as we didn't want to make them afraid for life... only the big old frogs that looked like they could handle it...hahah..) Here we found this frog a huge frog, he was mostly black. We decided to name him Sirius. Sirius Black.

When Tia tried to tickle Sirius Black with the piece of grass, however.... We both got a BIG surprise.... It all happened so fast, but Sirius turned towards it, and BIT THE END entirely OFF! Moments after this happened, we found a make shift fishing pole on the bench. It was made simply with a stick, tied to a long nylon cord and a short stick was tied to the end of it... perhaps as frog bait. It had no hook, of course, but was perfect for what we did next. We tied some weeds to the end of it, to see how Serius would react. Here's Tia, with the frogging pole, and if you look carefully, another frog, who "told us his name is ROAR." (click on any of these pics and they will enlarge to fill the page.)


Before we knew it, more frogs came to play. Here, Roar is joined by Regulus. (side note: we couldn't think of a name for Roar, and when we asked him what we should name him, he immediately replied with his deep bull froggy voice.... "ROOO-OARRR." Hence, the name...)

The rest of the photo's need no explanation - but this is what we did for the next half hour or so. It was hysterical, and a lot of fun, for all of us, I think! Clearly the frogs knew this was not food, but they had a blast, or so it seemed, from the smiles on their faces!


mchenriwata said...

i wish i could visit sunset lake... it has been a couple lifetimes. lisa, the pics are beautiful, i love the last one with the 2 in the water.

Lisa Tatsuko said...

Yea Mare, I wish you could visit Sunset Lake too...

Tia Mayer said...

Mary? Why can't you visit sunset lake? Where do you live? or do you not like to put where you are online?

Tia Mayer said...
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